Personal Training


"If you have tried everything and tired of paying astronomical amounts of money into an annual membership at a leisure Centre, without real results then Sensei Rex is your man."

The club runs a P.U.S.H. fit Program (Push until something happens) and aim to help you achieve your goals and desires.

Our P.U.S.H. fit Programs is designed to create beneficial changes to promoting a healthy lifestyle, we focus on want is important to you: take inches off your waistline and achieve your personal goals. Dare to challenge the giant in you, as we always will do! And experience P.U.S.H. fit workout now!

The program will help you set up a unique personal schedule of easy to do home and out door exercises. You won’t need all the fancy and complex equipment to improve your flexibility, stamina, balance and overall health.

Looking for a way to defend your self on the streets, we’ve included in this program special martial art drills and exercises, used by professional athletes.