Joining Our School

By joining a club gives every student the opportunity to improve your character, your health and your life. Its very simple to join. Print and fill out the forms below, come along to one of the classes and speak to an instructor.

If you would like to become a member, please print and fill in these two forms and bring them with you to the club.

Licence Form | Club Licence Form

Financial Dues

The financial responsibilities of the school are met exclusively with the funds brought in through the membership subs. As a member of the school you have accepted the responsibility of paying your subs on time, so the school could meet it’s financial obligations.

Personal Hygiene

Keeping your hands and feet clean and tidy i.e. Nails cut so that you don’t harm your self or partner.

You and Your Gi

A Gi is a karate uniform that comes as a white jacket and trousers. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that their uniform is clean and ironed. After every lesson the student must fold their Gi and place it in their Karate bag or placed in a tidy place. A soiled uniform will come with a number of push-ups as punishment.

No Jewelry Whilst Training

All jewelry must be removed including watches, necklace, chains, earrings, bracelets, and rings. This is for your safety and the safety of your partner.

Signing In

You will be required to sign in your attendance at the desk before entering the class. A record is kept of your lesson attended which must match your personal attendance booklet; this will ensure every student does the right level of classes before being graded.

Attending Class

Punctuality is very important, as it is a sign or show of respect. A number of push-ups will be done as punishment for lateness.