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‘Competition’ in Karate There is no ‘competition’ in karate, at least not in the conventional sense. In Traditional Karate there is no contest, competition or tournaments. Pure Karate is not a sport!

Competition as we know it now in modern society has created a philosophy of win/lose scenario. Although we promote competitive fair play in our classes; we perform combat drills with this mindset:

“The ultimate aim of the Art of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants”
Quote by Master Gichin Funakoshi


And so the tournament we choose to attend are opportunities to which we harness our temperament, execute control with technics and build new friendships.

The one type of competition you will find in Karate is the most difficult; having to control the issues of anger, intolerance, impatience and pride. All these have become learnt behavior that must be put to bed through hard focused training, and perfected mentoring!

We say this with the utmost of convictions; “We are STRONG because we CARE!”

Do Mu Kyoku! No Limitations in Life!